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Showing posts from August, 2009

They weigh HOW much?!

We had our 28-week ultrasound today. I was looking forward to this appointment for a couple of reasons. We haven't had an ultrasound since 18 weeks and it's really hard for me to tell which baby is moving. All I know is that I feel a lot of movement, but since I don't know how the babies are positioned it's virtually impossible to tell which baby is moving. This causes me some anxiety, (i.e., what if only one baby is moving and the other isn't, etc etc). Having twins, there is also some risk that the babies will be very small or that they aren't growing at the same rate. Apparently we don't need to worry about any of those things! Both babies have nice, regular heartbeats and are moving up a storm, which are both signs of healthy babies. Baby boy is currently estimated at 3 lbs, 3 oz, which puts him at the 78% percentile (on a SINGLETON scale!). Baby girl is estimated at 3 lbs, 10 oz, which puts her at > 90th percentile!!! That means I'm already carry...

All Things Physical

At 27-1/2 weeks, here's where I'm at: I took the glucose test for gestational diabetes on Thursday. I was a little worried about the test for a couple of reasons. First, my midwife kept saying that it's hard to pass the test when you're pregnant with twins. Second, we have had a study going on for years following babies born to mothers that had gestational diabetes, because there is reason to think that uncontrolled diabetes during pregnancy can have adverse outcomes on brain development. I watched my sugar intake all week long, and found out on Friday that I passed the test with flying colors! I celebrated by eating a piece of chocolate cake :) The hemogram did show that I am anemic, however. I was really surprised to find this out, because I feel like I have never eaten so many dark leafy greens in my life (thanks to the farm share this summer). But, having two babies cookin' does mean that they are sucking everything out of me that they need, which has apparently...

The M.V.

When we found out I was pregnant this spring, we knew that we would need to get a new (automatic transmission) vehicle. I likely had this realization before Derek, because boy does he love a manual transmission. He bought the CRV last year before we were engaged, so while I accompanied him to buy the car, I did not have too much of a say regarding whether it would be a manual or automatic. I "learned" how to drive the CRV in the most basic way, but after a few months of stressful solo excursions in our hilly neighbhorhood, I gave up. When we found out we are having twins, we quickly realized that a vehicle with a single backseat would not cut it. We briefly discussed a car with 3rd row seating (i.e., a Pilot), but picturing my 60-something year old mom climbing into the last row seat made this not seem like a very good option. So that leaves one route to go: the mini van! We ended up buying a 2006 Honda Odyssey two weeks ago. In many ways, I felt like taking this step propel...

Good Friends!

Rachel and Megan threw me a lovely shower on Saturday. The weather was PERFECT, very similar to the June afternoon when Sue and Stephanie hosted the baby shower in MN. We all gathered at Megan's house in East Bridgewater in the early afternoon and enjoyed sitting outside on her beautiful patio! Megan and Kathy Pritchard Amy Pritchard and Rachel Me, Christina Lipus, and Jane Couperus Me & Lisa Scott (Jane & Lisa drove all the way from western MA for the afternoon!) Everyone was SO generous and I had a lot of fun opening gifts! Here's a picture of all the lovely ladies (sans Kim, who had already left to get her ZipCar back to Cambridge on time)! The guys came down later on, along with Jeff's parents & Megan's parents. The heat finally got to be too much for me and I had to throw in the towel for the day, but not before some beers were consumed :) Many thanks to Megan & Rachel for orchestrating such a beautiful celebration!