We absolutely love this time of year, because it's time to start the vegetable garden! We hit Allandale Farm this morning just in time for Farmer Jim's informal talk about growing tomatoes. We learned a lot, including how to start treating our late blight before it even starts (copper -- who knew?!). We bought pepper, tomato, and eggplant seedlings in addition to all of our herbs. We headed home and started planting!

We also bought half a farm share from Allandale this year, so our weekly pickup will begin on June 2nd! We can't wait! Fresh, local, organic vegetables from June until October for only ~$17/week... It will be great next summer, too, because we have high hopes of making our own baby food, with the help of a magical baby food maker that I saw demo'd at the Baby Faire this year. The Beaba Babycook is on our Magic Beans registry in case anyone wants to buy it for us :)
Speaking of things that grow, those babies are growing up a storm right now! I am hungry as ever and the belly keeps getting bigger! The babies are about 4" long right now but still just a few ounces each. Here I am at 15-1/2 weeks:

We will work on planting our flowers next weekend. We hope you are enjoying spring wherever you are!

We also bought half a farm share from Allandale this year, so our weekly pickup will begin on June 2nd! We can't wait! Fresh, local, organic vegetables from June until October for only ~$17/week... It will be great next summer, too, because we have high hopes of making our own baby food, with the help of a magical baby food maker that I saw demo'd at the Baby Faire this year. The Beaba Babycook is on our Magic Beans registry in case anyone wants to buy it for us :)
Speaking of things that grow, those babies are growing up a storm right now! I am hungry as ever and the belly keeps getting bigger! The babies are about 4" long right now but still just a few ounces each. Here I am at 15-1/2 weeks:

We will work on planting our flowers next weekend. We hope you are enjoying spring wherever you are!
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