Today I went to a yoga class for the first time in far too many years. It felt wonderful and pushed me out of my comfort zone. I can't wait to go back! Today Derek gave Silas his traditional mid-summer haircut. Today the weather was perfect and we enjoyed bike rides (them) / a walk (me) in the park after lunch. Today Zoe chased the cats until they succumbed to her love and adoration. Today I put the garbage on the curb for weekly pickup and realized that we didn't have any! We recycle and compost far more than we throw away. I am grateful to be able to teach Zoe & Silas these habits. Empty trash barrel Countertop compost bin Backyard compost bin that we bought at Town Hall Food compost, including the hair from Silas' haircut today! Today I checked on the rooftop vegetable patio garden - it's doing great! Today we went school supply shopping so that I can enjoy the last month of summer without worrying abou...