3/22/14: I really wanted to bring Stephanie and Jim to a nice ocean spot during their visit even though it's only March and still pretty cold. It looked like we had the best shot for decent temperatures on Saturday, so we forged ahead to Rockport, MA with a 40% chance of rain. It rained the ENTIRE 90 minute drive up north, but the clouds cleared and the sun started shining as we got closer to Halibut Point. The rain miraculously stopped as we pulled in the parking lot! I was amazed by the beauty of the quarry at this time of year. We made our way down to the big rocks, checking out lots of stuff along the way. Finally we made it to the water where there was so much to see and so many pictures to take! Between Stephanie and I we have lost 80 pounds in the last 9 months, so we needed to take a "sister power" picture :) We had such a wonderful afternoon taking in this beautiful place, enjoying the sunshine and the ocean an...