Silas & Zoe have a lot of love in their lives. This year all that love translates into two birthday parties! When we started planning their 1st birthday party in September, the guest list was getting so long that we decided to split things up. We had a "family" party last weekend (aka, the Dutra family since all my peeps are in the midwest); the "kid" party will be on 10/30 (which will be all of our friends and S&Z's friends). On the day of the family party, S&Z were good helpers as usual. Here they were helping Daddy with the beer cooler! After a good morning nap and lunch, it was time to put on their party clothes! Unfortunately they both had a fever on the day of the party. They had their 12-month immunizations the day before, and for the first time ever they had a bit of a reaction. They patiently waited for the guests to arrive. Once the party got started their second cousin, Johnny, helped keep them busy. We had an awesome spread of food, And a...