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Showing posts from April, 2010

Patriot's Day

Patriot's Day (aka, Marathon Monday) is a Boston holiday. Children's Hospital, as well as many other local businesses, give employee's Patriot's Day off because it's basically impossible to navigate around the city due to the marathon. This year this equals a 4-day weekend for me (I'm usually off Friday-Sunday)! Our friends Ricky & Heidi gave Silas & Zoe the cutest Red Sox onesies, bibs, and stuffed baseballs. Since there is a special Patriot's Day 11am game today, we dressed them up and took some pictures. It's also a big day for them because the TV is on! We never have the TV on when they're awake, so they happily playing on the floor right now watching the baseball game :) Happy Patriot's Day from your favorite Boston Twins!!!

Adventures in Eating, cont.

Zoe and Silas LOVE to eat. Zoe in particular loves food. Honestly, she is like a different baby. She has always been the crankier baby, crying a lot, etc. Of course next to Silas, any baby by comparison would seem crankier, but I also know babies and do think she has a more difficult temperament. Now that she's eating food, though, she is so much happier!! And Derek and I are soooo happy to see her so much happier! She's also just recently come off the medication she has taken since birth for reflux, so that has been a good thing. Some of you might remember that Zoe spent 3 weeks in the NICU after she was born. Basically, she was a month premature and she just wasn't ready to be born yet. She slept instead of ate, had a feeding tube, and ended up needing 3 weeks in the hospital before she was ready to consistently eat from a bottle. So feeding has always been a big concern that we have had with Miss Z. Now that Zoe has discovered her love of real food, she has backed off qu...

Kitty Love

People often ask me what the cats think about Silas & Zoe. At this stage, they love the babies! They can get some loving and then get up and leave whenever the petting and pulling becomes too much. Just wait until they have two little ones crawling or running after them, though! It will likely be a whole different scenario :)

Easter Greetings

S&Z were super cute all day on Easter and we took a ton of pictures. Here they are in the morning! We had gorgeous weather for a visit to Silas and Zoe's Great-Grandma & Grandpa Dutra's house in Dighton, MA on Sunday for Easter. The babies hadn't seen their Great-Uncle Larry since Thanksgiving. Larry later told me that this was the first time that he had held a baby in many, many years! Silas' favorite person in the whole world is Derek, and since Derek wasn't with us all he wanted to do was stare at Larry. We realized that Derek and Larry look similar and definitely laugh the same -- Silas couldn't take his eyes off him, especially while drinking his bottle! Great-Grandma Sally was sooooo happy to see the babies again! Grandma & Grandpa Dutra had fun seeing all the new things they have been doing in the last few weeks. We tried really hard to get a nice 3-generation photo, but Zoe was being Zoe and this was what we got. I love the way Silas is looki...

Six Month Stats

4/4/10 Silas and Zoe's 6-month birthday coincided with Easter, just one day apart. Derek had to work on Sunday night, but I had planned on bringing the babies to Grandma & Grandpa Dutra's house in Dighton in order to celebrate Easter. It worked out great to roll Easter and 6-month pictures all into one! They were in an awesome mood after their nap. Silas didn't want to take his fingers out of his mouth, but they turned out pretty darn cute nonetheless! Many thanks to Marta for the polo shirt, Zachary Proctor for the pants, and Zoe Hanson for the jumper! Here's the entire sequence of pictures along with their 6-month stats from the pediatrician today... Six Month Stats SILAS One tooth 28" long (92nd percentile) 19 pounds, 8.2 ounces (83rd percentile) 45cm head circumference 77th percentile height-for-weight ZOE Two teeth 26.5" long (77th percentile) 15 pounds, 11.8 ounces (45th percentile) 44cm head circumference 22nd percentile height-for-weight