11/22/12: I have learned a lot about gratitude from my mom over the years. I am so grateful for having learned this type of awareness from her - the ability to pay attention and to notice what is good. I carry this abundance of gratitude with me today, as I do every day. In honor of Thanksgiving, I am putting a few of these thoughts in writing.
Needless to say, these two little turkeys are at the top of my gratitude list.
Derek worked this afternoon/evening and he arrived 1.5 hours early so that he could relieve someone on the day shift. He wanted a co-worker to be able to leave early so that they could spend more time with their family, knowing that we have a 3-day weekend together that starts tomorrow. I am grateful to have such a thoughtful and loving husband.
I am grateful that we have an abundance of food and space and love to share with Derek's family for a Thanksgiving celebration on Saturday. I am grateful and inspired by the inner strength (and medical care!) that both Joanne and Uncle Larry have in order to keep fighting their cancers.
I am so very grateful that Derek finally has a normal sleeping schedule - one that will significantly improve our family time this holiday season.
I am grateful that my children can run and laugh. I am grateful that they are so funny and so happy; so smart and so curious.
I am grateful that I have so many good friends. Friends like Wendy, whose husband also worked tonight, so we munched on appetizers and enjoyed each other's company while all the kids played.
If the kids could explain it, I suspect they would be grateful for decorating cookies,
And for the amazing Christmas decorations they saw before we headed home...
Happy Thanksgiving!
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